Centos 6.5 X86_64 Minimal Iso

  1. Centos 6.5 X86_64 Minimal Iso Debian
  2. Centos 6.5 X86_64 Minimal Iso File
  3. Centos 6.5 X86_64 Minimal Iso 64-bit
  4. Centos 6.5 X86_64 Minimal Iso 64-bit

For a basic installation you only need to download DVD 1 image file named CentOS-6.5-x8664-bin-DVD1.iso. There are also images for a minimal installation, network installation and a Live CD/DVD version. For a basic installation you only need to download DVD 1 image file named CentOS-6.5-x8664-bin-DVD1.iso. There are also images for a minimal installation, network installation and a Live CD/DVD version.

I'm tearing my hair out.
I will be scripting the creation of large numbers of small customer xen CentOS 6.5 guests on a CentOS 6.5 dom0.
I therefore do not want to use virt-install (I'm scripting).
I also do not want to use xm as it's deprecated - and most of the docs on the web talk about using it. I want to use only the xl toolstack to create and manage my VMs.
I've read the documentation for xl and the spin-off docs about specifying disk info in the cfg file. They don't give me practical advice as to how to take a CentOS6.5 minimal ISO and preparing it for use as a xen image and I cannot find a suitable guide anywhere else. I have the resources to set up a pxe-based install, but I'd rather keep the image local to the dom0 as it will be faster than transferring the data over the network.
Surely someone here can at least point me in the right direction of such instructions! I can't believe it's this hard to find decent up-to-date documentation.


Before you begin , you need to prepare the environment before you installCloudStack. We will go over the steps to prepare now.

Operating System¶

Using the CentOS 6.5 x86_64 minimal install ISO, you’ll need to install CentOS 6on your hardware. The defaults will generally be acceptable for thisinstallation.

Once this installation is complete, you’ll want to connect to your freshlyinstalled machine via SSH as the root user. Note that you should not allowroot logins in a production environment, so be sure to turn off remote loginsonce you have finished the installation and configuration.

Configuring the network¶

By default the network will not come up on your hardware and you will need toconfigure it to work in your environment. Since we specified that there willbe no DHCP server in this environment we will be manually configuring yournetwork interface. We will assume, for the purposes of this exercise, thateth0 is the only network interface that will be connected and used.

Connecting via the console you should login as root. Check the file/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, it will look like this by default:

Unfortunately, this configuration will not permit you to connect to thenetwork, and is also unsuitable for our purposes with CloudStack. We want toconfigure that file so that it specifies the IP address, netmask, etc., asshown in the following example:


You should not use the Hardware Address (aka the MAC address) from ourexample for your configuration. It is network interface specific, so youshould keep the address already provided in the HWADDR directive.


IP Addressing - Throughout this document we are assuming that you will havea /24 network for your CloudStack implementation. This can be any RFC 1918network. However, we are assuming that you will match the machine addressthat we are using. Thus we may use and because you might beusing the network you would use

Now that we have the configuration files properly set up, we need to run a fewcommands to start up the network:


CloudStack requires that the hostname be properly set. If you used the defaultoptions in the installation, then your hostname is currently set tolocalhost.localdomain. To test this we will run:

At this point it will likely return:

To rectify this situation - we’ll set the hostname by editing the /etc/hostsfile so that it follows a similar format to this example:

After you’ve modified that file, go ahead and restart the network using:


Now recheck with the hostname –fqdn command and ensure that it returns a FQDNresponse


At the moment, for CloudStack to work properly SELinux must be set topermissive. We want to both configure this for future boots and modify it inthe current running system.

To configure SELinux to be permissive in the running system we need to run thefollowing command:

To ensure that it remains in that state we need to configure the file/etc/selinux/config to reflect the permissive state, as shown in this example:


Centos 6.5 X86_64 Minimal Iso Debian


NTP configuration is a necessity for keeping all of the clocks in your cloudservers in sync. However, NTP is not installed by default. So we’ll installand and configure NTP at this stage. Installation is accomplished as follows:

The actual default configuration is fine for our purposes, so we merely needto enable it and set it to start on boot as follows:

Configuring the CloudStack Package Repository¶

We need to configure the machine to use a CloudStack package repository.


The Apache CloudStack official releases are source code. As such there areno ‘official’ binaries available. The full installation guide describes howto take the source release and generate RPMs and and yum repository. Thisguide attempts to keep things as simple as possible, and thus we are usingone of the community-provided yum repositories.

To add the CloudStack repository, create /etc/yum.repos.d/cloudstack.repo andinsert the following information.

Centos 6.5 X86_64 Minimal Iso File


Our configuration is going to use NFS for both primary and secondary storage.We are going to go ahead and setup two NFS shares for those purposes. We’llstart out by installing nfs-utils.

Centos 6.5 X86_64 Minimal Iso 64-bit


We now need to configure NFS to serve up two different shares. This is handledcomparatively easily in the /etc/exports file. You should ensure that it hasthe following content:

You will note that we specified two directories that don’t exist (yet) on thesystem. We’ll go ahead and create those directories and set permissionsappropriately on them with the following commands:

CentOS 6.x releases use NFSv4 by default. NFSv4 requires that domain settingmatches on all clients. In our case, the domain is cloud.priv, so ensure thatthe domain setting in /etc/idmapd.conf is uncommented and set as follows:Domain = cloud.priv

Now you’ll need uncomment the configuration values in the file/etc/sysconfig/nfs

Now we need to configure the firewall to permit incoming NFS connections.Edit the file /etc/sysconfig/iptables

Now you can restart the iptables service with the following command:

Centos 6.5 X86_64 Minimal Iso 64-bit

We now need to configure the nfs service to start on boot and actually startit on the host by executing the following commands:

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