Mario Chaos Edition Download

MLG Edition-Mitja -SMF2 Super Corn Flash-Mitja -SMF2 HexCorruption-Axew14 -SMF2 AA版 -? -SMF2 Editions that exist only to change the player character Super Luigi Flash 2 -Popthatcorn14 -SMF2 Super Toad Flash 2 -Froggie06855 -SMF2 Other Editions Grass Edition -Mitja -SMF1 (Average User Score: 7/10) Super Food Flash -Mitja -SMF2 (Average User. Super Mario 64 Chaos Edition offers a unique experience unlike any other SM64 romhack out there by applying a number of random effects to the game at completely random intervals such as low gravity, certain buttons being deactivated, control scheme changes, corrupted textures, taking away lives (possibly into the negatives) and much, much more.

Apr 23, 2018 - Chaos Edition is the only time Emanuar has modded Ocarina of Time. And several YouTube videos that included download instructions. Chaos Edition is the only time Emanuar has modded Ocarina of Time directly. It's not because the game is harder to hack — it's just less interesting to modders and players alike. Jun 25, 2015 This is Ocarina of Time: Chaos Edition. Those of you familiar with Super Mario 64: Chaos Edition will be right at home, but for the rest of us, the short version is that it randomly turns assorted codes on and off.

(Note: This LP was originally part of Faerie Fortune's Blind LP of Ocarina of Time. Any mentions of spoiler warnings and such are related to that and can be safely ignored.)
Ocarina of Time doesn't need much introduction, as a game. Considered by many to be the quintessential Zelda (if not the best one, or even the best game ever made), Nintendo has spent the better part of a decade and a half trying to get out from under its shadow. It literally wrote the rulebook on how Zelda works in three dimensions, and is arguably second only to Mario 64 in terms a successful jump from 2D to 3D. It's been played blind, blindfolded, straight, romhacked (by Nintendo, no less!), and shattered to pieces by speedrunners.
This is not that game. Sure, the plot beats are the same and the dungeons are all there, but your childhood memories won't help you here.
This is Ocarina of Time: Chaos Edition. Those of you familiar with Super Mario 64: Chaos Edition will be right at home, but for the rest of us, the short version is that it randomly turns assorted codes on and off. But there's so much more to it than that - a situation where you are constantly walking backwards at max speed while the camera bugs out and C-Right has overwritten your bombs with Farore's Wind isn't just possible, it's practically business as usual. Make no mistake, this is not a fun game by any stretch of the imagination. It is barely functional at the best of times, and an unplayable mess that requires an almost paranoid level of savestating and frame delimiters at its worst. Any text box could lead to a soft lock, the slightest movement can break scripting, and equipment needed to complete the game can be overwritten long before you ever acquire it. Frankly, the fact that even the Deku Tree can be beaten is a small miracle, forget the rest of the game.
And yet, it can be beaten. There will be times when you have to dig through mountains of bullshit for even the smallest measure of progress. And yes, sometimes it's just flat out impossible because of the current combination of effects. But with persistence, luck, and a little ingenuity, you can do it. Or I can, at least. Please don't put yourself through this.
One last thing: because of how violently the camera can misbehave, if you are sensitive to motion sickness or anything similar you may not want to watch these videos. I've been told that it's not that bad, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
An Increasingly Loud Series of 'Uhh'
Part 1 - Kokiri Forest
Part 2 - Deku Tree
Part 3 - Deku Tree
Part 4 - Deku Tree
Part 5 - Castle Town
Part 6 - Sacred Forest Meadow
Part 7 - Kakariko Village
Part 8 - Death Mountain
Sheik and the No-Good, Very Bad Text Box
Part 1 - Dodongo's Cavern
Part 2 - Dodongo's Cavern
Bonus - King Dodongo Practice
Part 3 - Zora's River
Part 4 - Lost Woods
Part 5 - Jabu Jabu's Belly
Part 6 - Temple of Time
Walls are a Suggestion, Really
Pre-stream Prep
Part 1 - Death Mountain
Part 2 - Fire Temple
Everything is Normal
Part 1 - Sacred Forest Meadow
Part 2 - Forest Temple
Part 3 - Forest Temple
Part 4 - Forest Temple
Bonus - Forest Temple Practice Stream
Part 1 - Ice Cavern
Part 2 - Water Temple
Part 3 - Water Temple
Part 4 - Water Temple
Part 5 - Water Temple
Part 6 - Water Temple
Part 7 - Water Temple
Pro Speedrun Stratz
Part 1 - Death Mountain
Part 2 - Bottom of the Well
Part 3 - Shadow Temple
Part 4 - Shadow Temple
Part 5 - Shadow Temple
Spirited Away in the Darkness
Part 1 - Gerudo Valley
Part 2 - Gerudo Valley
Part 3 - Haunted Wasteland
Part 4 - Spirit Temple (Child)
Part 5 - Spirit Temple (Child)
Part 6 - Spirit Temple (Child)
Part 7 - Spirit Temple (Adult)
Part 8 - Spirit Temple (Adult)
Part 9 - Twinrova
Odds and Ends
Part 1 - Castle Town
Part 2 - Lon Lon Ranch
Part 3 - Lake Hylia
Part 4 - Gerudo Valley
Part 5 - Ganon's Tower
The Chaos Whisperer
Part 1 - Ganon's Tower

Zelda Ocarina Of Time Chaos Edition Download

Part 2 - Ganon's Tower
Mario Chaos Edition DownloadPart 3 - Ganon's Tower
Part 4 - Ganon's Tower
Part 5 - Ganondorf
Part 6 - Ganon/Credits

Chaos, Chaos!

Here's a new extension to Deltarune Fun Mode, Deltarune Fun Mode: Chaos Edition. Basically, it's the same kinda thing as the original Fun Mode, but it contains mods entirely around Jevil.

This mod compilation is its own separate thing from Deltarune, meaning there's no modding or installation required to get it working and it doesn't affect/need your Deltarune save file. All you need to do is launch the executable, and ta-dah! All the FUN in one neat package!

There's also a configuration file, which is inside the 'config' folder. Here, you can change various stats (HP, Attack, etc.) of party members or of Jevil (note that some stats may be overwritten by specific gamemodes). Make sure to read the'[README].txt' for further instructions and notes.

Not sure if I'm going to add anything else, apart from bugfixes, if they're needed. But, if you really want something in this mod compilation, please tell me and I'll consider it!

Credits and Stuff

  • This mod compilation was made by Agentalex9 (Me!)
  • Deltarune is by Toby Fox.
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  • 'UndertaleModTool' by krzys-h, Kneesnap, colinator27 & BreakinBenny (Used to make this mod)
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  • The original triple Jevil mod was by krzys_h (Used in this mod, but also modified)
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  • Credits to 'S K' on YouTube, a major contributor for finding bugs for me to fix!
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  • Credits to 'MouseSkull', another major contributor for finding bugs!
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  • Also, thanks to anyone else who pointed out bugs for me, I appreciate the help!
  • Also, you can find the dog battle theme on my Soundcloud (clown):
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(V1.11) [29/3/2020]:

  • Added New Gamemode! Dog Mode!
  • (It even has custom battle music composed by me, and voice acting by Toby Fox himself!)
  • Fullscreen is BACK! Woo!!
  • Added New Susie Spell for Fun Mode! TNT spell!
  • WASD controls now work properly (Sorry left-handed people!)
  • Pressing W no longer activates Yellow Heart.
  • Added more and modified existing secrets.
  • Added pacifist variables (i.e. Pirouette/Hypnosis) to Speedrun Mode.
  • Changed background of secret mode to an appropriate colour.
  • Changed some dialog.
  • Some internal optimisations and bug fixes.


  • Added new and modified existing secrets.


  • Fixed hitboxes of Jevil's Final Chaos Scythes.


  • Fixed bug where the pitch of Jevil's voices doesn't get reset after Fast Mode.
  • Fixed bug where Yellow ACT's bullets don't appear on Final Chaos.
  • Added New Gamemode! Triple Mode! (Originally by krzys_h).
  • Removed Fullscreen option, for real this time!
  • Changed credits to say V1.10.


  • Fixed bug(s) where Kris' attack resets to default value.
  • Changed text 'Press [Z] to shoot!' to include corresponding key.
  • Removed character name stat from config file.
  • Changed credits to say V1.09.


  • Fixed bug where stats reset to default values instead of config values.
  • Changed credits to say V1.08.


  • Fixed bug where choosing 'Reset to default' in controls crashes the game.
  • Fixed bug where Kris' attack doesn't get reset after changing Solo Mode.
  • Fixed bug where external config file wasn't loading.
  • Changed credits to say V1.07.


  • Fixed hitboxes of Jevil's Scythes, for real this time!
  • Changed credits to say V1.06.


  • Made Clubs Bullet attack harder on Hard Mode.
  • Made Spade Ring attack harder on Hard Mode.
  • Made Final Chaos attack harder on Hard Mode.
  • Made Scythe attack harder on Hard Mode.
  • Fixed hitbox of Jevil's Scythes.
  • New Game Mode! Fast Mode! (2x Speed).
  • Removed saving gamemodes feature.
  • Changed credits to say V1.05.


  • Fixed bug where Yellow ACT was on, even though Fun Mode is off.
  • Fixed bug where using Pirouette while Fun Mode is on softlocks the game.
  • Removed Fullscreen option.
  • Adjusted TP cost of Yellow ACT to 40TP.
  • Changed credits to say V1.03.


  • Initial Release (Also known as the most buggy release ever, apparently...)

Anyway, enjoy the mod and stuff!

CategoryGame mod
GenreRole Playing
Made withGameMaker: Studio
Tags2D, Comedy, deltarune, GameMaker, Pixel Art, Singleplayer, undertale

Mario 64 Chaos Edition Rom


[1.11] DRFM Chaos Edition (By Agentalex9).zip82 MB

Super Mario 64 Chaos Edition 3.0 Download

Development log

  • New Update Coming Soon!
    Mar 28, 2020
  • V1.10
    Oct 11, 2019
  • V1.08
    Oct 08, 2019
  • V1.06
    Oct 07, 2019

Super Mario 64 Chaos Edition Download Pc

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Will you Add The Old Easter egg Setup Room of 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 next Update?

The easter egg's in there. It's just activated differently than before.

I was playing on the game with fun mode, triple, hard, and sans mods activated, then on the final chaos... well, why do I have a feeling you've had this error popped up before?

Uh, I would like if you can add saving in this, I keep losing progress with max jevilstail and going to config feels like cheating, so if you decide to add in saving I'll appreciate it.

the configuration menu is unchanged, the only insteresing thing that can happen During the config menu is that after a while on it a Message appears Telling you some stuff before crashing the game or idk.

I was just wondering, if it's possible to get your 60 fps mod (for deltarune) working in this? Just a idea/suggestion.

No, it feels a bit cheap to put in other people's stuff. I'd rather create everything myself, like sprites, music, SFXs etc. (Even the Triple Jevil thing was made by me, I only credited krzys_h because he did it first).

part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 ending

And only now I understood what '(but also modified)' in Triple Jevil means. It doesn't crash on Final Chaos! Well you've made my job harder.

Mmmmm... Hard mode is pretty easy to be honest... Maybe do something like Insane Mode? Even harder than Hard Mode?

You can always just combine it with other game modes (like Chaos mode, Triple mode etc).

im making a mod of this game based on a mod of a game, and i wanted to know how to edit the dialogue (or text or whatever) using the undertale mod tool. or you cold just include a lang folder like og deltarune.

Just search for the dialogue/text using the search bar at the top left. Double click on 'Strings', double click on the text string, then edit its contents.

I wanted with the full screen, the small screen barely enough to see the game right

What resolution do you have? It should automatically resize the window anyway. On a 1080 monitor, it takes up most of the screen (it resizes to 1280x960).

same size as the original deltarune when it has a small screen and just wanted the f4 button to get bigger and smaller the screen would help a lot in gameplay

Shhhh! Don't tell anyone!

Super Mario Chaos Edition Download

(It doesn't actually matter)

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