Mega Man 9 Wad Download

Mega Man 9 Wad Download

Wiiware games are of course coded for Wii, but the Mega Man 9 download could have easily contained the NES emulator with a new NES binary. Those of you who are shouting with absolute certainty that this is not the case should check the HEX code first and see what's going on there. Megaman 9 Wad With DLC Unlocked??? Post Oct 08, 2008 #1 2008-10-08T04:23. I'm Wondering If Its Possible To Have A Version Of Megaman. Download Wii ROMs and play on Your Mac, Windows, Android and iOS devices. WiiWare Mega Man 9 NTSC-UWAD WiiWare Mega Man 9+10 DLC NTSC-UWAD WiiWare.

File Information

Mega man 9 wad download

Mega Man 9 Wii Rom


Mega Man 9 Wad Download Torrent

  • Views757
  • Downloads128
  • Submitted
  • Author
  • Credits
    The Gamer's Alliance for helping with uploading the level.
  • Base
  • Build Time
    Not sure
  • Editors Used
  • Bugs
  • Text File

    Title : Megaman.wad
    Date Finished : ????---Don't know, someone asked me to upload it!
    Author : Joe Knosp and Jesse Sexton
    Email Address :
    Other Files By Author : First one they've been able to upload.
    Misc. Author Info : ???????
    Description : Great DeathMatch castle with some awesome slime
    traps. Good Weapons are in hard to get places
    so you can shoot your enemy as he clumsily goes
    for the weapon! I've seen a lot of levels, as
    the Gamer's Alliance DOOM maintainer, and this one
    is good!
    Additional Credits to : The Gamer's Alliance for helping with uploading
    the level.
    * Type of DOOM or DOOM II file*
    New level WAD : Yes
    * Play Information *
    Map # : Map 01
    Single Player : No Monsters!
    Cooperative 2-4 Player : There is no Monsters!
    Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES!!
    Difficulty Settings : Probably not, there's no monsters!
    New Sounds : Nope.
    New Music : YES
    New Graphics : Nope.
    Demos Replaced : None
    * Construction *
    Base : New level from scratch
    Build Time : Not sure
    Editor(s) used : Don't know.
    Known Bugs : NONE!
    May Not Run With... :
    * Copyright / Permissions *
    I don't know about this. If you want to use this Wad, you better e-mail the
    above address and ask!
    You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
    no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
    format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
    * Where to get this WAD *
    FTP sites: FTP.CDROM.COM
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